Collection: Defense

We offer you self-defense accessories for your personal safety.

Take control of your life: Build your confidence by maximizing your security.

You will find a selection of modern, compact, reliable products that can accompany you in your daily life.

Passive Defense

It's in our name, TA Défense is a store specializing in personal defense. Firstly, in passive personal defense, with portable alarms, for runners and runners, in order to be able to make noise in the event of an attack.

The world is dangerous. Self-defense weapons are a proactive defense against any threat you may face on the subway, in the parking lot, or on the street corner. Although you hope to never find yourself in a situation where you are forced to defend yourself, it is not uncommon, especially if you live in a big city.

Don't expect other people to come to your aid - the "bystander effect" suggests that bystanders often fail to help a victim or person in distress, particularly when other people are present in the scene. same situation. Self-defense is the best defense against many types of attacks on your property or your own well-being. If you don't have years of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or Muay Thai under your belt, don't worry. These small, easy-to-carry self-defense weapons can bring some peace of mind to anyone worried about their safety (or that of a loved one) and even help thwart attackers if you find yourself in a situation scary.

The best self-defense weapons are those that you always have with you, ready to use against an attacker at a moment's notice. Before you take the train home, protect yourself with these discreet self-defense weapons.