Collection: Night vision

Have you ever seen a wildlife report or a film about a spy?

If so, you may know that spies use special glasses to see in the dark. These tools are called night vision goggles. We're going to take a closer look at how they work!

Wondering if night vision goggles really work? Yes, they work! In fact, they work very well. On a cloudy, moonless night, the best night vision goggles can help people see more than 200 yards away.

First of all, it's important to understand something about light. Did you know that not all light is visible? Indeed, the light that we can see is called visible light. This is only part of the electromagnetic spectrum. There are other types of light that are not visible to the naked eye. These include infrared and ultraviolet light.

How do night vision goggles work? It depends on which ones you use. There are two types of technologies used in night vision goggles. These are image enhancement and thermal imaging.

Image enhancement amplifies existing light. This makes the images easier to see. Even during the darkest nights, tiny patches of light are present. Some of this light may be infrared light that people cannot see. Night vision goggles using image enhancement technology collect all available light. They then amplify it so you can easily see what's happening in the dark.

Night vision technology has many uses for the military and law enforcement. For example, it can be used to find people in the dark. It is also useful for navigation and surveillance. Night vision can also be used for hunting and observing animals in the dark.

Have you ever seen a night vision image? If so, you probably noticed that it had a green glow. Night vision goggles are made with displays that produce green images. This is because human eyes are better suited to looking at green images for long periods of time.

Have you ever needed to see in the dark? Night vision goggles can definitely help you solve this problem! They are not just for spies and soldiers. Everyday people use night vision goggles for many purposes. Maybe you'll have the opportunity to try a pair one day!