Quand porter des gants tactiques ?-T.A DEFENSE

When to wear tactical gloves?

Use this summary to find the topics that interest you:

- Quick Intro

- When to wear your shooting gloves

- Protect your extremities

- When we know that the hands are at least as important as the feet, does it make sense to wear shoes but not gloves?

Quick Intro

Tactical equipment has come a long way in recent years, so much so that it is very difficult to stay up to date on all the latest trends. These in fact tend to specialize to a very high degree depending on the field, and to gain in technicality.

Shooting gloves, military gloves, or even tactical gloves are some of them.

Shooting with gloves may be essential in certain conditions , so:

When to wear your shooting gloves?

Shooting gloves are not necessary for all shooters. And the choice to use them or not depends a lot on the shooting circumstances, and on you according to your comfort and your motivations.

Shooters practicing handguns at home using dry fire * probably do not need gloves.


Respect the safety rules, don't be like Mathilde!
(for a reminder read my article on the ISTC rules)

*Empty weapon without ammunition, not chambered with verification of parts and safety measures, weapon pointed only in non-dangerous direction .

Dry shooting is a training intended to eliminate all parasitic gestures and makes it possible to increase precision, the elimination of finger shots, as part of a sporting practice supervised by an approved federation.

Other shooters, most often military personnel, and other professionals, training in field conditions, consider gloves a vital part of their equipment.

The function of a good pair of gloves is simple and obvious, but we still remember it: they are there to protect your hands.

Depending on the model, however, they can provide additional benefits.

Protect your extremities ;)

It is common practice for tactical enthusiasts to wear high-top, lightweight shoes with crampons to prepare them for all situations and protect their feet in as many cases as possible.

However, it is much less common to find them with protective devices (gloves) to protect their hands from mechanical risks.

When we know that hands are at least as important as feet, does it make sense to wear shoes but not gloves?

The decision to wear gloves is an individual decision. However, many survivalists and people, shooters and others who we lump together under the term "gun enthusiast" seem not to really consider the issue of glove use.

I studied at the 3rd RIMa, and I can assure you that military personnel wear gloves most of the time in the field, and for good reasons.

Without good agility in your hands, your ability to carry out tasks, to accomplish objectives and missions, becomes very complicated.''

Shooting gloves, military gloves, shell gloves, or tactical gloves are intended to protect your hands just like your shoes are intended to protect your feet

Using gloves during training, and in the real world, provides your hands with protection against abrasion, so it will prevent you from hitting your hands on stone, keeping you away from injury and infection.

In fact, a good pair of gloves will protect your hands from cuts, abrasions , tears, crushing and burns . This type of injury could in many cases cause infections or disability limiting your ability to act and carry out your mission. Among what could hurt you, see my previous post on gloves and their importance. We find thorns in the palms of the hand, rocky surfaces or simply the return of that good old AR-15 slide on a finger.

Or M14 in this case...

So a word of advice: wear gloves!

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